Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Talentbuddy Problems

Updated: June 15, 2015

Total: 136
Normal: 50
Medium: 56
Hard: 30

  1. Average grade
  2. Binary
  3. Binary float
  4. Bottle
  5. Bounce rate
  6. Caesar shift
  7. Common courses
  8. Copy-Paste
  9. Count digits
  10. Count occurences
  11. Count ones
  12. Count substrings
  13. Count tokens
  14. Count words
  15. Countries
  16. Find character
  17. Find substring
  18. FizzBuzz
  19. Float division
  20. Growth
  21. Highest grade
  22. Integer division
  23. Invert sum
  24. Linear equation
  25. Max
  26. Mean
  27. Merge Sort
  28. Missing number
  29. Odd square sum
  30. Pair product
  31. Pair Sum
  32. Prediction
  33. Prime numbers
  34. Request counting
  35. Remove stop words
  36. Remove substring
  37. Scheduling
  38. Select substring
  39. Simple sum
  40. Sorting Students
  41. Sort names
  42. Sort words
  43. Sorting students
  44. Standard deviation
  45. Student progress
  46. Successful students
  47. Time
  48. Top locations
  49. Vowel count
  50. Z-score
  1. 2^n
  2. Arithmetic evaluation
  3. AST Part One
  4. Bacon number
  5. Balanced brackets
  6. Basic search query
  7. Book store
  8. Brands
  9. Compute average
  10. Copy async
  11. Currency exchange
  12. Depth first traversal
  13. Dispatcher 
  14. Divide by 2
  15. Even number
  16. Find String
  17. Fraction
  18. Heads and tails
  19. Indexes
  20. Intersecting street segments
  21. Linked List Cycle
  22. Longest improvement
  23. Longest palindrome
  24. Longest street segment
  25. Majority number
  26. Max sum
  27. Median
  28. Medical app
  29. Multiply by 2
  30. Neighbourhood
  31. Nth number
  32. Nth permutation
  33. PACO
  34. Parallel async
  35. Plane tickets
  36. Power of 2
  37. Precision
  38. Priority
  39. Purchase tracking
  40. Query tokens stemming
  41. Rain
  42. Read async
  43. Relative sort
  44. Selection
  45. Semantic analysis
  46. Set bit
  47. Shopping cart
  48. Skyscrapers
  49. Sorted merge
  50. Speed
  51. Swap values
  52. Tokenize query
  53. Topological sort
  54. Unset bit
  55. User administration
  56. User table
  1.  AST Part Two
  2. Check
  3. Chocolate bars
  4. Coins
  5. Contact management
  6. Context extraction
  7. Context pruning
  8. Extract book titles
  9. Failure detection
  10. Fast power
  11. Hash String
  12. Intermediary code
  13. LLVM parser
  14. Map matcher
  15. Mapper
  16. Palindromes count
  17. Pouring
  18. Price experiment
  19. Pub crawl
  20. Reducer
  21. Selection
  22. Simple expression
  23. Social network
  24. Sqrt
  25. Streets nearby
  26. Trigger words
  27. Tuple sum
  28. Tweets per second
  29. Typeahead
  30. Unique sequence

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good stuff, what's your handle in talentbuddy btw?