Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reactive Streams Implementations Trends (Akka, RxJava, Vert.x, Spring Reactor)

Google trends showing popularity of Reactive Streams Implementations below:

1. Akka
2. RxJava
3. Vert.x
4. Spring Reactor

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Java Open Source ERPs / CRMs Trends (Openbravo, APache OFBiz, ADempiere, iDempiere, Compiere, Metasfresh, etc.)

Google trends showing popularity of Java Open Source ERPs / CRMs below:,%2Fm%2F01h7s6,%2Fm%2F0_yfmv6,%2Fm%2F0264f7v,%2Fm%2F02836zp,%2Fm%2F0dsc06v,%2Fg%2F11c6cdwzml,%2Fg%2F11gh3551s9

1. Openbravo
2. OFBiz
3. ADempiere
4. iDempiere
5. Compiere
6. Metasfresh - uses React/Redux
7. Adaxa
8. HeliumV
9. Kuali

Java Open Source CMSs Trends (Alfresco, DSPace, Nuxeo, XWiki, OFBiz, etc.)

Google trends showing popularity of Java Open Source CMSs below:,%2Fm%2F07l2hp,%2Fm%2F08cwpy,%2Fm%2F03c5qw6,%2Fm%2F06mzcg,%2Fm%2F04gsmk,bloomreach,%2Fm%2F08pcrs,%2Fm%2F0462fc7,%2Fg%2F11g9l_tn_b,%2Fm%2F0462fc7,%2Fm%2F063k7f1,%2Fm%2F064n79j,%2Fg%2F11g9l_tn_b,%2Fm%2F0gk_spp

1. Alfresco
2. DSpace
3. Nuxeo
4. XWiki
5. OFBiz
6. BloomReach (Hippo CMS)
7. OpenCMS
8. Jahia
9. Magnolia CMS
10. DotCMS
11. LogicalDOC
12. Ametys
13. Crafter CMS
14. Fedora Commons
15. Enonic
16. OpenWGA

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Software Configuration Management Trends (Ansible, Puppet, SaltStack, Chef, Terraform)

At the moment, Ansible and Terraform are the leaders in Infrastructure as Code.

Google trends show popularity of software configuration management tools below:,%2Fm%2F0hn8c6s,%2Fm%2F08_7zcp,%2Fm%2F0k0vzjb,%2Fg%2F11g6bg27fp

1. Ansible - Python-based
2. Puppet - Ruby-based
3. SaltStack - Python-based
4. Chef - Ruby and Erlang
5. Hashicorp Terraform - Go-based