Friday, December 12, 2014

Codility Lessons - Slides

Updated: Jul. 22, 2016
1. Iterations

Tasks: 1/1

for loop, while loop, looping over a collection

2. Arrays

Tasks: 1/2

array operations, reversing an array

3. Time Complexity 

Tasks: 3/3

dominant operation, space complexity, arithmetic sequence/progression, arithmetic series: n(n+1)/2

4. Counting Elements

Tasks: 4/4

swapped elements in identical lists

5. Prefix Sums

Tasks: 2/4

6. Sorting

Tasks: 3/4

7. Stacks and Queues

Tasks: 2/4

8. Leader

Tasks: 2/2

Boyer-Moore Majority algorithm

9. Maximum Slice Problem

Tasks: 3/3

Kadane's algorithms for negative and non-negative elements, Maximum profit, wrong approaches: two pointers, etc.

10. Prime and Composite Numbers

Tasks: 2/4

If i is a divisor of n, n/i is also a divisor. 1 is neither prime nor composite.

11. Sieve of Eratosthenes

Tasks: 1/2

Semiprimes (product of two primes, bonus: prefix sums)

12. Euclidean GCD Algorithm

Tasks: 1/2

Original GCD algorithm by Euclid:  Recursively subtract the smaller number from the larger. GCD by subtraction, GCD by Division, LCM.

13. Fibonacci Numbers

Tasks: 2

14. Binary Search

Tasks: 2

15. Caterpillar Method

Tasks: 4

16. Greedy Algorithms

Tasks: 2

17. Dynamic Programming

Tasks: 2

18. Indeed Prime 2015 challenge

Tasks: 3

19. Indeed Prime 2016 challenge

Tasks: 4

20. Indeed Prime 2016 College Coders challenge

Tasks: 1/4

19. Future training

Tasks: 5

Total Tasks: 63

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