Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reactive Streams Implementations Trends (Akka, RxJava, Vert.x, Spring Reactor)

Google trends showing popularity of Reactive Streams Implementations below:

1. Akka
2. RxJava
3. Vert.x
4. Spring Reactor

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Java Open Source ERPs / CRMs Trends (Openbravo, APache OFBiz, ADempiere, iDempiere, Compiere, Metasfresh, etc.)

Google trends showing popularity of Java Open Source ERPs / CRMs below:,%2Fm%2F01h7s6,%2Fm%2F0_yfmv6,%2Fm%2F0264f7v,%2Fm%2F02836zp,%2Fm%2F0dsc06v,%2Fg%2F11c6cdwzml,%2Fg%2F11gh3551s9

1. Openbravo
2. OFBiz
3. ADempiere
4. iDempiere
5. Compiere
6. Metasfresh - uses React/Redux
7. Adaxa
8. HeliumV
9. Kuali

Java Open Source CMSs Trends (Alfresco, DSPace, Nuxeo, XWiki, OFBiz, etc.)

Google trends showing popularity of Java Open Source CMSs below:,%2Fm%2F07l2hp,%2Fm%2F08cwpy,%2Fm%2F03c5qw6,%2Fm%2F06mzcg,%2Fm%2F04gsmk,bloomreach,%2Fm%2F08pcrs,%2Fm%2F0462fc7,%2Fg%2F11g9l_tn_b,%2Fm%2F0462fc7,%2Fm%2F063k7f1,%2Fm%2F064n79j,%2Fg%2F11g9l_tn_b,%2Fm%2F0gk_spp

1. Alfresco
2. DSpace
3. Nuxeo
4. XWiki
5. OFBiz
6. BloomReach (Hippo CMS)
7. OpenCMS
8. Jahia
9. Magnolia CMS
10. DotCMS
11. LogicalDOC
12. Ametys
13. Crafter CMS
14. Fedora Commons
15. Enonic
16. OpenWGA

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Software Configuration Management Trends (Ansible, Puppet, SaltStack, Chef, Terraform)

At the moment, Ansible and Terraform are the leaders in Infrastructure as Code.

Google trends show popularity of software configuration management tools below:,%2Fm%2F0hn8c6s,%2Fm%2F08_7zcp,%2Fm%2F0k0vzjb,%2Fg%2F11g6bg27fp

1. Ansible - Python-based
2. Puppet - Ruby-based
3. SaltStack - Python-based
4. Chef - Ruby and Erlang
5. Hashicorp Terraform - Go-based

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Master Your Apple Mac - 10 Top Essential Tips and Tricks - Udemy

1. Screenshots

Cmd+Shift+3 - Take Screenshot
Cmd+Shift+4 - Take Screenshot of selected portion
Cmd+Shift+4 then Space - Take Screenshot of application

2. Hot Corners - Mission Control

3. Batch Renaming

4. LaunchPad

5. Airdrop

Cmd + Shift + R

6. Trackpad Gestures

7. Mail Markup

8. Full Web Address - Safari

9. Screensaver Password

10. Best Anti-virus - AVG

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Running React Native Packager and Android Emulator on a Different Port

React Native Packager and the Android Emulator uses port 8081 by default. To use a different port (let's say 8082):

1. Add "--port=8082" to the react-native start command, like this:

react-native start --port=8082

2. With your application open in the Android Emulator (and has an error because it can't read from port 8081), trigger the developer menu using the following on the command line:

adb shell input keyevent 82 

3. Navigate to Dev Settings > Debug server host & port for device, and enter your host and port, use this Stackoverflow comment as guide: